
Note: Only the original Japanese texts of the privacy policy are official, shall be in effect in Japan, and the English translations are to be used solely as reference material to aid in the understanding of the original Japanese text.

Privacy Policy

Infcurion, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “we” or “the Company”) and those of its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as “our group”) have established a privacy policy as below concerning the handling of personal information on the websites managed and operated by the Company and our group companies.

  1. 1. Personal information protection policy

    We recognize that the protection of personal information is our social responsibility and ensure that all its officers and employees thoroughly understand, fully comply with the policy, and strive for continuous improvement.

  2. 2. Obtainment of personal information

    The “personal information” means about a living individual which can identify the specific individual such as name, address, telephone number, etc., and easily matched with other information and it can be, thereby enable to identify the specific individual. It may also include information on usage history generated or stored through telephone communication or communication via devices such as PC, etc. with users who use the services operated/provided by the Company (hereinafter referred to as “our services”), as well as customers that do business with the Company (hereinafter referred to as “you”). The Company shall obtain the following personal information lawfully and fairly:

    1. Name, e-mail address, phone number, date of birth, profession, other information that can identify the specific individual;
    2. Information provided in the process of using our services (including information obtained from social network services, etc. if the account integration is enabled);
    3. Device information (individual identification information, etc. of the devices); and
    4. Other information necessary for providing our services.
  3. 3. Purpose of use

    The personal information you provide will be used only for correspondence related to the inquiries or requests from you, distribution of various materials, and other purposes described on the websites.

  4. 4. Shared use

    The Company may share personal information on occasions such as seminars conducted jointly with our group companies and business partners. On such an occasion, the Company will clarify, notify and/or disclose in advance the purpose of use, the items of data, with whom the personal information would be shared, and the person in charge prior to the event.

  5. 5. Use of cookie

    Cookies do not contain any information that personally identifies you, but they may fall under the category of personal information by linking to other information that we store about you. We automatically obtain cookie information from your web browser and collect information about you and your online behavior such as the pages viewed and your use environment. We may use the information we obtain from your use of our cookies for the purposes: to improve the browsing and security environment, to enhance our services, and to increase customer satisfaction. Most browsers allow you to refuse to accept cookies through the settings. If you do not wish to provide cookie information, it is recommended to visit our websites via the browser configured to block cookies to visit our websites.

  6. 6. Management of personal information

    The Company complies with laws and regulations on personal information protection and strives to prevent the loss, damage, leakage and unauthorized use of personal information. To safely manage personal information, the Company shall establish regulations for personal information protection, perform ongoing review and strive to improve and take safety measures including information security practices.

  7. 7. Restrictions on provision to third parties

    The Company does not provide your personal information to a third party without obtaining your prior consent, except in any of the following cases (the same applies in case we provide personal data to a third party situated overseas);

    1. a case in which the provision of personal information is based on law or ordinance;
    2. a case in which the provision of personal information is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and in which it is difficult to obtain your consent;
    3. a case in which the provision of personal information is especially necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children and in which it is difficult to obtain your consent;
    4. a case in which the Company completely or partially delegates the handling of your personal information within the scope necessary for the achievement of the purpose of utilization;
    5. a case in which your personal information is provided as a result of the succession of business in a merger or otherwise; or
    6. a case in which the Company takes the necessary measures, including legal action, against violations of the Terms and Use, etc.
  8. 8. Entrustment of personal information

    The Company may entrust the handling of personal information, in whole or in part, to third parties, within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use. In this case, the Company will conclude a contract with the organization concerned on necessary matters concerning the protection of personal information, thereby exercising necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure contractors manage personal information safely.

  9. 9. Disclosure, correction, etc. of personal information

    The Company will appropriately deal with your request of disclosing, correction, additions, deletions and cessation of use of personal data. However, this provision does not apply if the Company does not bear these obligations pursuant to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information or other laws and regulations.

  10. 10. Use of statistically-processed data

    The Company may, based on personal information provided to it, create statistical data which shall be processed in a manner that cannot identify any individual. The Company may, without restriction, use such statistical data that cannot identify the individual.

  11. 11. Restrictions on the collection of sensitive personal information

    In principle, the Company will not collect personal information that includes the following information. However, this does not apply in cases where you provide the information yourself.

    1. Matters related to ideology, beliefs, and religion;
    2. Matters related to race, ethnicity, family origin, legal domicile (excluding information related to the prefecture in which the user resides), physical or mental disabilities, criminal records, and other matters that may cause social discrimination;
    3. Matters related to the right of workers to organize, collective bargaining, and other collective action activities;
    4. Matters related to participation in mass demonstrations, exercise of the right to petition, and other political rights; and
    5. Health care and sex life.
  12. 12. Disclaimer

    The Company shall not be liable for the protection of personal data, etc. collected on third party (entity or individual) websites that link to the Company’s websites.

  13. 13. Inquiries

    If you have any questions or inquiries about this policy, please contact us via the contact form or by writing to:

    Infcurion, Inc.
    Attn: Privacy Policy
    MFPR Kojimachi Bld.7F, 5-7-2, Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083

    For inquiries regarding Privacy Policy

  14. 14. Revision

    Apart from cases stipulated under law, the Company may revise the policy in whole or in part without obtaining your prior consent. If you use our services after any revisions hereof, you shall be regarded as having accepted the revised policy.

  15. Established on January 1, 2009
    Revised on July 1, 2020